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姓名:傅楠 职称:副教授、硕士生导师 部门:化工与环境工程学院 联系方式:
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本科毕业于陕西科技大学生命科学与工程学院,获生物工程学士学位。2007和2009年于澳大利亚西悉尼大学分别获得生物技术硕士学位和微生物学理学硕士学位。2012年毕业于澳大利亚蒙纳士大学化学工程系,获博士学位。同年加入www.优德88.cpm ,任材料与化学化工学部副教授、硕士生导师。 主要研究方向为功能性食品颗粒及生物活性颗粒的制备、功能性调控和应用,着重研究多组分多相的复杂液滴在干燥过程中的动力学参数变化与颗粒形成过程,对液滴干燥中的物理、化学与生物变化进行机理研究,近年来在高活性益生菌粉体的制备、多元复合液滴的组分迁移现象、界面现象对颗粒功能性的影响、干燥引致可溶固形物结晶等方面展开研究。发表英文书籍章节1章,期刊论文59篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI论文26篇,发表在AIChE Journal、Chemical Engineering Journal、Food Hydrocolloids等期刊上,申请国家发明专利1项,总被引次数840余次。在国内外学术会议、学术交流中作口头报告40余个,包括主题报告及高校特邀的专题讲座6个。2015年获“Elsevier化工领域女科学家”银奖,2018年入选“中澳青年科学家交流计划”。 目前主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,作为项目骨干参与国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项项目1项、及国家重点研发计划现代食品加工及粮食收储运技术与装备项目子课题1项。已结题江苏省青年自然科学基金项目1项,横向项目1项。现任International Journal of Food Engineering副主编,Powder Technology客座编辑,中国颗粒学会青年理事、生物颗粒专委会委员,近20个食品与生物专业期刊的审稿人。 代表性论文: 1.Zhang, C.,Fu, N. *, Quek, S.-Y.*, Zhang, J., Chen, X. D. (2019) Exploring the drying behaviors of microencapsulated noni juice using reaction engineering approach (REA) mathematical modelling.Journal of Food Engineering, 248: 53-61. 2.Huang, E., Quek, S.-Y.*,Fu, N.*, Wu, W.D., Chen, X.D. (2019) Co-encapsulation of coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E: A study of microcapsule formation and its relation to structure and functionalities using single droplet drying and micro-fluidic-jet spray drying.Journal of Food Engineering, 247: 45-55. 3.Zhang, C., Quek, S.Y.*,Fu, N.*, Liu, B., Kilmartin, P.A., Chen, X.D. (2019) A study on the structure formation and properties of noni juice microencapsulated with maltodextrin and gum acacia using single droplet drying.Food Hydrocolloids, 88: 199-209. 4.Su, Y., Zheng, X., Zhao, Q.,Fu, N.*, Xiong, H., Wu, W.D.*, Chen, X.D. (2019) Spray drying ofLactobacillus rhamnosusGG with calcium-containing protectant for enhanced viability. Powder Technology, (Accepted). DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2018.09.082. 5.Fu, N.*, Yu, M., Chen, X.D.*, (2019) A differential shrinkage approach for evaluating particle formation behavior during drying of sucrose, lactose, mannitol, skim milk and other solid-containing droplets. Drying Technology,37(8): 941-949. 6.Har, C.L.,Fu, N.*, Chan, E.S., Tey, B.T., Chen, X.D.*, (2018) In situ crystallization kinetics and behavior of mannitol during droplet drying,Chemical Engineering Journal, 63(6): 1839-1852. 7.Liu, B.,Fu, N.*, Woo, M.W., Chen, X.D.*, (2018) Heat stability ofLactobacillus rhamnosusGG and its cellular membrane during droplet drying and heat treatment.Food Research International, 112: 56-65. 8.Pongmalai, P.,Fu, N.*, Soponronnarit, S., Chiewchan, N., Devahastin, S.*, Chen, X.D., (2018) Microwave pretreatment enhances the formation of cabbage sulforaphane and its bioaccessibility as shown by a novel dynamic soft rat stomach model.Journal of Functional Foods, 43:186-195. 9.傅楠*,陈晓东*, (2018)益生菌在喷雾干燥过程中的活性变化与保护策略.化工进展, 37(5): 1633-1645. 10.Fu, N.*, Wu, W.D.*, Wu, Z., Moo, F.T., Woo, M.W., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D., (2017) Formation process of core-shell microparticles by solute migration during drying of homogenous composite droplets.AIChE Journal, 63(8): 3297-3310. 11.Har, C.L.,Fu, N.*, Chan, E.S.*, Tey, B.T., Chen, X.D., (2017) Unraveling the droplet drying characteristics of crystallization-prone mannitol – experiments and modeling.AIChE Journal, 63(6): 1839-1852. 12.Zheng, X.,Fu, N.*, Huang, S., Jeantet, R., Chen, X.D.*, (2016) Exploring the protective effects of calcium-containing carrier against drying-induced cellular injuries of probiotics using single droplet drying technique.Food Research International, 90: 226-234. 13.Fu, N.*, Wu, W.D.*, Yu, M., Moo, F.T., Woo, M.W., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D., (2016) In situ observation on particle formation process via single droplet drying apparatus: effects of precursor composition on particle morphology.Drying Technology, 34(14):1700-1708. 15.Lallbeeharry, P., Tian, Y.,Fu, N.*,Wu, W.D.*, Woo, M.W., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D., (2014) Effects of ionic and nonionic surfactants on milk shell wettability during co-spray-drying of whole milk particles.Journal of Dairy Science, 97(9): 5303-5314. 16.Tian, Y.,Fu, N.*,Wu, W.D.*, Zhu, D., Huang, J., Yun, S., Chen, X.D., (2014) Effects of co-spray drying of surfactants with high solids milk on milk powder wettability.Food and Bioprocess Technology, 7(11): 3121-3135. 17.Fu, N.*,Woo, M.W.,Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D.*, (2013)Inactivation ofLactococcus lactisssp.cremoriscells in a droplet during convective drying.Biochemical Engineering Journal, 79: 46-56. 18.Fu, N.*,Woo, M.W., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D.*, (2013)Shrinkage behaviour of skim milk droplets during air drying.Journal of Food Engineering, 116: 37-44. 19.Fu, N.,Woo, M.W., Chen, X.D.*, (2012) The single droplet drying technique to study drying kinetics measurement and particle functionality: A review.Drying Technology, 30(15): 1771-1785. 20.Fu, N.,Woo, M.W., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D.*, Patel, K., Schuck, P., Jeantet, R., (2012) Drying kinetics of skim milk with 50 wt% initial solids.Journal of Food Engineering,109: 701-711. 21.Fu, N.,Woo, M.W., Moo, F.T., Chen, X.D.*, (2012) Microcrystallization of lactose during droplet drying and its effect on the property of the dried particle.Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90(1): 138-149. 22.Fu, N.,Woo, M.W., Chen, X.D.*, (2011) Colloidal transport phenomena of milk components during convective droplet drying.Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 87(2): 255-266. 23.Fu, N.,Zhou, Z., Jones, T.B., Tan, T.T.Y., Wu, W.D., Lin, S.X.Q., Chen, X.D.*, Chan, P.P.Y.*, (2011) Production of monodisperse epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) microparticles by spray drying for high antioxidant activity retention.International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 413(1-2): 155-166. 24.Fu, N.,Chen, X.D.*, (2011) Towards a maximal cell survival in convective thermal drying processes.Food Research International, 44(5): 1127-1149. 25.Fu, N.,Woo, M.W., Lin, S.X.Q., Zhou, Z., Chen, X.D.*, (2011) Reaction Engineering Approach (REA) to model the drying kinetics with different initial sizes – experiments and analyses.Chemical Engineering Science, 66(8): 1738-1747. 26.Fu, N.,Peiris, P.*, Markham, J., Bavor, J., (2009) A novel co-culture process withZymomonas mobilisandPichia stipitisfor efficient ethanol production on glucose/xylose mixtures.Enzyme and Microbial technology, 45: 210-217. 27.Fu, N.,Peiris, P.* (2008) Co-fermentation of a mixture of glucose and xylose to ethanol byZymomonas mobilisandPachysolen tannophilus.World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 24(7): 1091-1097. |