




1984年南京大学化学系获学士学位,1990年华西医科大学生化专业获硕士学位,1999年捷克马萨里克大学分析化学专业获博士学位,在捷期间,曾到韩国庆尚南道大学、西班牙奥维耶多大学、德国明斯特大学作1-3个月短期学习和学术交流。2000.4-2002.5台湾中山大学化学系博士后,2002.6-2004.7德国慕尼黑工业大学化学系博士后。2004.7-2010.1四川大学化学学院教授、博士生导师,其间,20068-11香港科技大学化学系、20073-5, 7-11月美国肯塔基大学药学院高级研究员,20095-6月韩国庆尚南道大学访问教授,20101月至今,www.优德88.cpm 材料与化学化工学部教授、博士生导师。20146月至今,受聘担任www.优德88.cpm 医学部食品质量与安全系兼职教授。现为中国化学会有机分析专业委员会委员中国仪器仪表学会化学传感器专业委员会委员科技部食品安全检测试剂和装备产业技术创新战略联盟成员江苏省创新团队核心成员,《分析化学进展》编委,《食品安全质量检测学报》编委。主持及参与四项国家自然科学基金项目。在Anal. Chem., Environ. Sci. Technol., Biosens. & Bioelectron.,Chem. Commun., J. Agric. Food Chem., Anal. Chim. Acta, J. Chromatogr. A, Food Chem., Sensor Actuat. B, Analyst, Anal Bioanal Chem., Talanta, Microchim. Acta等期刊上发表论文1 10篇。申请中国发明专利13项,其中5项为授权专利。




1.Fudong Cai, Qing Zhu, Kang Zhao,Anping Deng,* and Jianguo Li* Multiple signal amplified electrochemiluminescent immunoassay for Hg2+ using graphene-coupled quantum dots and gold nanoparticles-Labeled horseradish peroxidase.Environ. Sci. Technol.2015, 49, 50135020

2.Mingxia Xu, Xiaole Qian, Kang Zhao,Anping Deng, Jianguo LiFlow injection chemiluminescent competitive immunoassay for theβ-adrenergic agonist salbutamol using carboxylic resin beads and enzymatic amplification.Sensor Actuat.B2015215323–329

3.Mingxin Li, Hong Yang, Shuqun Li, Kang Zhao, Jianguo Li*, Danni Jiang, Lulu Sun,Anping Deng*An ultrasensitive competitive immunochromatographic assay (ICA) based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering(SERS) for direct detection of3-amino-5-methylmorpholino-2-oxazolidinone (AMOZ) in tissue and urine samples.Sensor Actuat.B2015, 211, 551–558

4.Shouming Xu, Hong Yang, Kang Zhao, Jianguo Li*, Liyun Mei, Yun Xie,Anping Deng* Simple and rapid preparation of orange-yellow fluorescent gold nanoclusters usingDL-homocysteineas areducing/stabilizing reagentand their application in cancer cell imaging.RSC Adv.,2015, 5, 11343–11348

5.Jing Zhang, Pengwei Shi, Panpan Yan, Mingbo Wang, Qinghui Tang, Fudong Cai,Anping Deng* and Jianguo Li* Quantum dots based electrochemiluminescent immunosensor for ultrasensitive and specific determination of mercury (II) ions using gold nanoparticles and a monoclonal antibody.J. Electrochem. Soc.2015,162,B22-B26

6.Yun Xie, Huafang Chang, Kang Zhao, Jianguo Li*, Hong Yang, Liyun Mei, Shouming Xu,Anping Deng*Surface-enhanced Raman scatteringbasedimmunochromatographic assay(SERS-ICA)usingantibody-immobilizedAu@Ag core-shell nanoparticlessandwiched with Raman reporter as a novel probe for simple, rapid and ultrasensitive detection of clenbuterol.Anal. Method2015, 7, 513–520

7.Jing Zhang, Mingbo Wang, Xun Yao,Anping Deng*, Jianguo Li*. Highly sensitive electroluminescence immunoassay for Hg (II) ions based on the use of CdSe quantum dots, the methylmercury-6-mercaptonicotinic acid-ovalbumin conjugate, and a specific monoclonal antibody.Microchim. Acta2015, 182, 469–477

8.Qinghui Tang, Fudong Cai,Anping Deng*, Jianguo Li*. Ultrasensitive electroluminescent competitive immunoassay for theβ-adrenergic agonist phenylethanolamine a using quantum dots and enzymatic amplification.Microchim. Acta2015, 182, 139-147

9.Yuzhen Wang, Shuai Chen,Chao Wei,Jianlin Yao,*Yuan Li,Anping Deng*Femtogram level competitive immunoassay of mercury (II) based on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.Chem. Comm.2014,50, 9112-9114

10.Panpan Yan, Jing Zhang, Qinghui Tang,Anping Deng*, Jianguo Li*Quantum dots based electrochemiluminescent immunosensor for the detection of pg level phenylethanolamine A using gold nanoparticles as substrate and electron transfer accelerator.Analyst2014,139, 4365-4372

11.Panpan Yan, Qinghui Tang,Anping Deng*, Jianguo Li*Ultrasensitive detection ofclenbuterolby quantum dots based electrochemiluminescent immunosensor usinggold nanoparticlesas substrate andelectron transport accelerator.Sensor Actuat.B2014,191, 508– 515

12.Mingxi Li, Hong Yang, Shuqun Li, Kang Zhao, Jianguo Li*, Danni Jiang, Lulu Sun,Anping Deng*Ultrasensitiveand quantitative detection ofa bewβ-agonistphenylethanolamine Aby a novel immunochromatographicassaybased on surface-enhanced Ramanscattering(SERS).J. Agric. Food Chem.2014, 62, 1089610902

13.Liyun Mei, Biyun Cao, Hong Yang, Yun Xie, Shouming Xu,Anping Deng* Development of an immunoaffinity chromatography column for selective extraction of a new agonist phenylethylamine A from feed, meat and liver samples.J. Chromatog. B2014,945– 946,178– 184

14.Shuqun Li, Juan Song,Hong Yang,*Biyun Cao, HuafangChang,Anping Deng*An immunochromatographic assay for rapid and direct detection of 3-amino-5-morpholino-2-oxazolidone (AMOZ) in meat and feed samples.J. Sci. Food Agric.2014, 94, 760-767

15.Xun Yao, Panpan Yan, Qinghui Tang,Anping Deng*, Jianguo Li*Quantum dots based electrochemiluminescent immunosensor by coupling enzymatic amplification for ultrasensitive detection of clenbuterol.Anal. Chim. Acta2013,798, 82– 88

16.Biyun Cao, Guangzhao He, Hong Yang*, Huafang Chang, Shuqun Li,Anping Deng*Development of a highly sensitive and specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of phenylethanolamine A in tissue and feed samples and confirmed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).Talanta2013,115, 624630

17.Biyun Cao, Hong Yang, Juan Song, Huafang Chang, Shuqun Li,Anping Deng*Sensitivity and specificity enhanced enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay by rational hapten modification and heterogeneous antibody/ coating antigen combinations for the detection of melamine in milk, milk powder and feed samples.Talanta2013, 116, 173180

18.Hongying Liu,Shouming Xu,Zhimei He,Anping Deng*, Jun-Jie Zhu* Supersandwich cytosensor for selective and ultrasensitive detection of cancer cells using aptamer-DNA concatamer-quantum dots probes.Anal. Chem.2013, 85, 3385-3392

19.Juan Song,Hong Yang, Yuzhen Wang,WenhuiSi*,Anping Deng*Direct detection of3-amino-5-methylmorpholino-2-oxazolidinone(AMOZ)in food sampleswithout derivatization step by a sensitive and specific monoclonal antibody based ELISA.Food Chem.2012, 135, 1330-1336

20.Yuzhen Wang, Hong Yang, Michael Pschenitza, Reinhard Niessner, Yuan Li, Dietmar Knopp*,Anping Deng*.Highly sensitive and specific determination of mercury in water, food and cosmetic samples with an ELISA based on a novel monoclonal antibody.Anal. Bioanal. Chem.2012, 403, 2519-2528

21.Yuan Li, Yuzhen Wang, Hong Yang, Yan Gao, Huihui Zhao,Anping Deng*Establishment of an immunoaffinity chromatography for simultaneously selective extraction of Sudan I, II, III and IV from food samples.J. Chromatogr. A2010,1217, 7840–7847

22.Dawei Li,Shuang Wei, Hong Yang, Yuan Li,Anping Deng*A sensitive immunochromatographic assay using colloidal gold-antibody probe for rapid detection of pharmaceuticalindomethacin in water samples.Biosens. Bioelectron.2009, 24, 2277-2280

23.Yuzhen Wang,Dapeng Wei, Hong Yang, Yuan Yang, Weiwei Xing, Yuan Li,Anping Deng*Development of a highly sensitive and specific monoclonal antibody based enzyme-linked Immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of sudan I in food samples.Talanta2009, 77, 1783-1789


1.邓安平、韩丹.食品中苏丹红I号含量的酶联免疫吸附分析方法。专利号:ZL 2007 1 0049361.5

2.邓安平、贺莉、杨红、李大伟.测定牛奶、猪肝、鸡肝和动物饲料中盐酸克伦特罗含量的酶联免疫吸附分析方法。专利号:ZL 2008 1 0046151.5



5.邓安平,曹碧云,杨红一种检测苯乙醇胺A含量的方法及检测试剂盒专利号:ZL 201210555878.2