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1993年www.优德88.cpm 本科毕业并留校工作至今,2003年获得www.优德88.cpm 硕士学位,师从张可达教授。2006年获得韩国大邱大学理学博士学位。2007年www.优德88.cpm 副教授,2014年www.优德88.cpm 教授。硕士生导师。历任化学化工学院分团委书记、办公室主任、院长助理、副院长、材料与化学化工学部副主任、www.优德88.cpm 后勤党委书记、金螳螂建筑学院党委书记、www.优德88.cpm 监察处处长、纪委副书记,现任校党委常委、统战部部长。主持各类科研基金多项。在国内外学术期刊Chem. Commun., Org. Lett., J. Org. Chem., Green Chem., ACS Comb. Sci.,Eur. J. Org. Chem.Tetrahedron,SynlettTetrahedron Lett.New J. Chem.等国内外学术期刊上正式发表论文70多篇。主编出版教材多部。2009年获得www.优德88.cpm 教学成果一等奖1项。2009年获得www.优德88.cpm 建行奖教金(管理奖)1项。2011年课题组获中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步二等奖1项。2013课题组获教育部自然科学二等奖1项。主编的教材《综合化学实验》2011年被评为江苏省精品教材。



1.Palladium-catalyzed e-selective oxidative amination of aromatic amine with 3-butenoic acid. Q. Liu, Z. Zhou,Z. Huang*, Y. Zhao*.J. Org. Chem.2023,88,15350.

2. An organic photoredox catalyst promoted para-selective C-H amination of aryl oximes. C. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Zhao, Q. Liu, H. Cheng,Z. Huang*,Y. Zhao*.Org. Chem. Front.,2023,10, 335.

3. A Bi(OTf)3-promoted hydrosulfonylation of alkene with sulfonyl hydrazides: an approach to branched sulfones. Z. Zhou, Q. Liu,Z. Huang*, Y. Zhao*.Org. Lett.2022,24,4433.

4. A palladium-catalyzed 4CzIPN-mediated decarboxylative acylation reaction of O-Methyl ketoximes with α-keto acids under visible light. C. Wang, S. Yang,Z. Huang*, Y. Zhao*.Molecules.2022,27, 1980.

5. Palladium-Catalyzed Direct C-H Arylation of 3-Butenoic Acid Derivatives.S. Yang, L. Liu, Z. Zhou,Z. Huang*, Y. Zhao*.Org. Lett.2021,23, 296.

6. Ruthenium(II)-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of Benzoyl Formic Acids with Toluenes: Synthesis of 2-Phenylacetophenones.S. Yang,C. Dai, Y. Chen, Y. Jiang, S. Shu,Z. Huang*, Y. Zhao*.Eur. J. Org. Chem.2021, 2955.

7. Palladium-Catalyzed Isoquinoline Synthesis by Tandem C–H Allylation and Oxidative Cyclization of Benzylamines with Allyl Acetate. Y. Chen,Z. Huang*, C. Dai, S. Yang, D. Shi*, Y. Zhao*.Org. Lett.2021,23, 4209.

8. Directpara-Selective C–H Amination of Iodobenzenes: Highly Efficient Approach for the Synthesis of Diarylamines. Y. Chen,Z. Huang*, Y. Jiang, S. Shu, S. Yang, D. Shi*, Y. Zhao*.J. Org. Chem.2021,86, 8226.

9.Rhodium-Catalyzedortho-Alkenylation of Phenols Directed by Acetone Oxime Ether.L. Liu, S. Yang, Y. Han,C. Dai, D. Shi,Z. Huang*, Y. Zhao*.Chin. J. Org. Chem.2020,40(8), 2394.

10. Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed Oxidative Annulation of Ketoximes with Sulfonamide: A Direct Approach to Indazoles. N. Wang, L. Liu, W. Xu,M. Zhang,Z. Huang*, D. Shi*, Y. Zhao*.Org. Lett.2019,21, 365.

11. Rh(III)-Catalyzed Direct Amination of Aromatic Ketoximes Enabled by Potassium Acetate.L. Liu, N. Wang,C. Dai, Y. Han, S. Yang,Z. Huang*, Y. Zhao*.Eur. J. Org. Chem.2019, 7857.

12. Three-Component Synthesis of Chromeno[4,3-d]pyrazolo[3,4-b]-pyridine Derivatives and Their Fluorescence Properties. M. Zhang, N. Wang, W. Xu,Z. Huang*, D. Shi*.Chin. J. Org. Chem.2019,39(4), 1085.

13.Microwave-Assisted Regioselective Synthesis of 3-Functionalized Indole Derivatives via Three-Component Domino Reaction.W. Lin, Y.-X. Zheng, Z. Xun,Z. Huang,*D. Shi*,ACS Comb. Sci.,2017,19(11), 708.

14.Palladium-Catalyzed Carbonylation of β-Arylethylamide Directed by Oxalyl Amide in the Presence of Carbon Monoxide,L. Zhang,C. Wang,J. Han,Z. Huang*,Y. Zhao*,J. Org. Chem.,2016, 81, 5256.

15.Ru-Catalyzed selective C–H oxidative olefination with N-heteroarenes directed by pivaloyl amide,L. Zhang, C. P. Chen, J. Han,Z. B. Huang*and Y. S. Zhao*,Org. Chem. Front.,2016,3, 1271.

16. Multicomponent Strategy to Pyrazolo[3,4-e]indolizine Derivatives under Microwave Irradiation,J. J. Wang, X. Feng, Z. Xun, D. Q. Shi,*Z. B. Huang*,J. Org. Chem.,2015, 80 , 8435.

17.Palladium-Catalyzed Oxalyl Amide- DirectedγArylation of Aliphatic Amines, J. Han, Y. Zheng, C. Wang, Y. Zhu, D. Shi, R. Zeng,*Z. Huang,*and Y. S. Zhao*,J. Org. Chem.2015, 80, 9297.

18. Selective Synthesis of Polyfunctionalized Pyrido[2,3b]indoles by Multicomponent Domino Reactions, J. Hu, C. Cao, W. Lin, M. Hu,Z. Huang,* and D. Shi*,J. Org. Chem.2014, 79, 7935.

19. Efficient Synthesis of Functionalized Benzo[b][1,8]naphthyridine Derivatives via Three- Component Reaction Catalyzed byLProline, L. Fu, W. Lin, M. Hu, X. Liu,Z. Huang,* and D. Shi*,ACS Comb. Sci.,2014, 16, 238.

16.Selective Reduction of Carbonyl Groups in the Presence of Low-Valent Titanium Reagents,W. Lin, M. Hu, X. Feng, L. Fu, C. Cao,Z. Huang*, D. Shi*,Tetrahedron Lett.,2014, 55, 2238.

17.Highly efficient construction of pentacyclic benzo[b]indeno-[1,2,3-de][1,8]naphthyridine derivatives via four-component domino reaction, C. Cao, W. Lin, M. Hu,Z. Huang* and D. Shi*,Chem. Commun.,2013,49,6983.

18. Highly Efficient Synthesis of Polysubstituted Pyrroles via Four-Component Domino Reaction. X. Feng, Q. Wang, W. Lin, G. Dou,Z. Huang*, and D. Shi*,Org. Lett.,2013, 15, 2542.

19. Facile, efficient, and diastereoselective synthesis of heterohelicene-like molecules, W. Lin, G. Dou, M. Hu, C. Cao,Z. Huang*, D. Shi*,Org. Lett.,2013, 15, 1238.

20.GAP chemistry for pyrrolyl coumarin derivatives: a highly efficient one-pot synthesis under catalyst-free conditions,H. Wang, X. Liu, X. Feng,Z. Huang* and D. Shi*,Green Chem.,2013, 15, 3307.




