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学历及学术经历 :1 986 1989 1997 年先后获得南京理工大学化学工程 专业 学士学位、物理化学专业硕士学位以及材料学专业博士学位, 同年 7 至今在www.优德88.cpm 材料与化学化工学部工作, 2009 年晋升物理化学专业教授。讲授“结构化学”和“量子化学”等课程,2005年度获教学竞赛一等奖,2006年度获“建行奖教金”教学奖。主持国家自然科学基金项目“跨膜环肽纳米管模拟生物水通道的分子动力学研究”(No.21173154)、江苏省教委基金项目“沸石结构和催化机理的QM、MM和MD研究”(No.98KJB150001)和江苏省级重点实验室开放基金“不对称直接羟醛缩合反应QM研究”(No.JSK010),作为主要成员参加国家自然科学基金项目“有机分子在沸石中的吸附、扩散和催化的MM和MD研究”(No.29773021)及973子专题等项目,发表学术论文50多篇。2004和2005年,项目“含能体系结构和性能的理论研究”和“高能体系的理论与实验研究”分别获国防科学技术二等奖(证书号:2004GFJ2185-8)和教育部提名国家科学技术 (自然科学)二等奖(证书号:2004-090)。
研究领域 多肽分子及多肽纳米管结构性能的分子动力学模拟研究,有机合成反应机理的量子化学研究等。
1. The Relationship between the Permeation-Diffusion Parameters for a Single-file Channel,J. Liu,J. F. Fan*,Chinese Phys. Lett.2012, in press.
2. The influence s of water solvent on the structures and stabilities of Na+ AD conformers,J. F. Fan*, M. Tang, L. G. Qiao, et al. Amino Acids 2010 , 39, 685.
3. Water diffusion behavior and transportation properties in trans- membrane cyclic hexa-, octa- and deca-peptide nanotubes, J. Liu, J. F. Fan* , M. Tang, et al.,J. Phys. Chem. B2010, 114, 12183.
4. Molecular dynamics simulation for the structure of the water chain in a transmembrane peptide nanotube, J. Liu,J. F. Fan* , M. Tang, et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 2010 , 114, 2376.
5. Investigation on the micro-mechanisms of Al3+interfering the reactivities of aspartic acid and its biological processes with Mg2+,J. F. Fan* , L. J. He , J. Liu, J. Mol. Model. 2010, 16 16, 1639.
6. DFT Study on the Role of Methanol Solvent in Morita–Baylis– Hillman Reaction,J. F. Fan* , Ch. H. Yang, L. J. He, Int. J. Quantum Chem.2009, 109, 1311
7. Theoretical insight into the influences of a -substituents in aliphatic aldehydes on the enantio-selectivities of aldol reactions, J. F. Fan* . , L. J. He, Y. P. Sun, Chirality 2008, 20, 54.
8. Poor enantioselectivity of the direct aldol reaction catalyzed by (S,S)-proline dipeptide: a density functional study, J. F. Fan* , L. F. Wu, F. M. Tao, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2008, 108, 66.
9. DFT study on the origin of the enantioselectivity of (S)-4-hydroxylproline-catalyzed direct aldol reaction between acetone and 4-nitrobenz-aldehyde, J. F. Fan* , L. F. Wu,Y. P. Sun, Chinese J. Chem. 2007 , 25, 472.
10. DFT study on the (S)-proline-catalyzed direct aldol reaction between acetone and 4-nitrobenzaldehyde. J. F. Fan * , L. F. Wu, Chinese J. Struct. Chem. 2006, 25(4), 433.
11. AM1 transition state modeling for the enantioselectivities in the chiral oxazaborolidine-catalyzed reductions of α- and β-aminoketones,J. F. Fan*, Y. X. Lu, Q. X. Wang, L. F. Wu,Chinese J. Chem.2005, 23, 517.
12. Theoretical study on the optical activitities of the final products in the enantioselective reductions of b -aminoketones,J. F. Fan* , Q. X. Wang, Y. X. Lu, J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem) 2004, 674, 49.
13.Concentration dependence of ethene diffusion in H[al]zsm-5 studied by molecular dynamics,J. F. Fan*, Q. X. Wang, X. D.