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钟志远,www.优德88.cpm 药学院院长,放射医学与辐射防护国家重点实验室放药中心主任,国家杰出青年基金获得者,国家“万人计划”创新领军人才,国家百千万工程人才,美国医学与生物工程院会士,药剂学TOP期刊Journal of Controlled ReleaseIF 11.467)副主编,药理学/毒理学全球高被引科学家。曾任Biomacromolecules副主编和苏州工业园区生物产业发展有限公司(苏州生物医药产业园)副总裁。研究领域涉及药物控制释放(包括化药、蛋白和核酸药物、核药等)、肿瘤靶向治疗和免疫治疗。在国际主流期刊发表论文300多篇,论文共被引用22000多次,H-因子77。授权50多项国家和国际发明专利(转让12项)。担任Mater. Today, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, Biomacromolecules, Nanotechnology, PLoS One, Mater. Today Chem., J. Gene Med.8本国际期刊及《药学学报》编委。担任新型高分子材料与控制释放系列高水平国际学术会议主席。荣获美国化学会的“生物大分子/大分子青年研究者奖”、德国洪堡基金会“贝塞尔研究奖” 、日本控制释放学会颁发的“亚洲药物释放系统突破技术奖”等国际奖励。享受国务院政府特殊津贴。


1. J.J. Wei, D. Wu, S.S. Zhao, Y. Shao, Y.F. Xia, F.H. Meng*, D.W. Ni, X.Y. Qiu, J.P. Zhang, J. Chen*, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Immunotherapy of Malignant Glioma by Non-Invasive Administration of TLR9 Agonist CpG Nano-immunoadjuvant,Adv. Sci.2022, 202103689.

2. H. Zheng, B.B. Guo, X.Y. Qiu, Y.F. Xia, Y. Qu, L. Cheng,* F.H. Meng*, Z.Y. Zhong*, Polymersome-Mediated Cytosolic Delivery of Cyclic Dinucleotide STING Agonist Enhances Tumor Immunotherapy,Bioactive Mater.2022, 16, 1-11.

3. Y. Zheng*, Z.Y. Zhong*, Roadmap to next-generation cancer vaccines,J. Control. Release2022,347, 308-313.

4. J.J. Wei, D. Wu, Y. Shao, B.B. Guo, J.J. Jiang, J. Chen, J.P. Zhang, F.H. Meng*, Z.Y. Zhong*, ApoE-mediated systemic nanodelivery of granzyme B and CpG for enhanced glioma immunotherapy,J. Control. Release2022,347, 68-77.

5. H.H. Fang, Y.J. Sha, L. Yang, J.J. Jiang, L.C. Yin, J.Y. Li, B. Li, B. Klumperman, Z.Y. Zhong*, and F.H. Meng*, Macrophage-Targeted Hydroxychloroquine Nanotherapeutics for Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapy,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2022, 14, 8824-8837.

6. Z. Wang, S.S. Zhao, F.H. Meng*, J.D. Yuan, andZ.Y. Zhong*,Folate-mediated targeted PLK1 inhibition therapy for ovarian cancer: A comparative study of molecular inhibitors and siRNA therapeutics,Acta Biomaterialia2022, 138, 443-452.

7. X.Y.Qiu, Y.Qu, B.B.Guo, H.Zheng, F.H. Meng*, andZ.Y. Zhong*,Micellar paclitaxel boosts ICD and chemo-immunotherapy of metastatic triple negative breast cancer,J. Control. Release2022, 341, 498-510.

8. Y.F. Zhang, S.J. Yue, H.L. Sun*, R. Haag, Z.Y. Zhong*, An intelligent cell-selective polymersome-DM1 nanotoxin toward triple negative breast cancer,J. Control. Release2021, 340, 331-341.

9. Z. Wang, F.H. Meng, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Emerging targeted drug delivery strategies toward ovarian cancer,Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev.2021, 178, 113969

10. N. Yu, Y.F. Zhang, J.Y. Li, W.X. Gu, S.J. Yue, B. Li, F.H. Meng, H.L. Sun*, R. Haag, J.D. Yuan, andZ.Y. Zhong*, Daratumumab Immunopolymersome-Enabled Safe and CD38-Targeted Chemotherapy and Depletion of Multiple Myeloma,Adv. Mater.2021, 33, 2007787.

11. Y.H. Wei, Y.P. Sun, J.J. Wei, X.Y. Qiu, F.H. Meng*, G. Storm*, J.D. Yuan, Z.Y. Zhong*, Selective transferrin coating as a facile strategy to fabricate BBB-permeable and targeted vesicles for potent RNAi therapy of brain metastatic breast cancer in vivo,J. Control. Release2021, 337, 521-529.

12. W.X. Gu, R.B. Qu, F.H. Meng*,J.L.M. Cornelissen*, andZ.Y. Zhong*,Polymeric Nanomedicines Targeting Hematological Malignancies,J. Control. Release2021,337, 571-588.

13. Y.F. Xia, J.J. Wei, S.S. Zhao, B.B. Guo, F.H. Meng*, B. Klumperman, andZ.Y. Zhong*,Systemic administration of polymersomal oncolytic peptide LTX-315 combining with CpG adjuvant and anti-PD-1 antibody boosts immunotherapy of melanoma,J. Control. Release2021, 336, 262-273.

14. Z.Y. Zhong*, Controlled delivery systems are the cornerstone of advanced therapies and vaccines: An Asian perspective,J. Control. Release2021, 334, 34-36.

15. Q.Y. Fan, Y.Y. Liu, G.H. Cui, Z.Y. Zhong*,andC. Deng*,Brain delivery of Plk1 inhibitor via chimaeric polypeptide polymersomes for safe and superb treatment of orthotopic glioblastoma,J. Control. Release2021, 329, 1139-1149.

16. W.X. Gu, T.H. Liu, D.Y. Fan, J.B. Zhang, Y.F. Xia, F.H. Meng*, Y. Xu*, J.L.M. Cornelissen, Z.J. Liu, andZ.Y. Zhong*,A6 peptide-tagged, ultra-small and reduction-sensitive polymersomal vincristine sulfate as a smart and specific treatment for CD44+ acute myeloid leukemia,J. Control. Release2021, 329, 706-716.

17. W.X. Gu, F.H. Meng*, R. Haag, andZ.Y. Zhong*,Actively targeted nanomedicines for precision cancer therapy: Concept, construction, challenges and clinical translation,J. Control. Release2021, 329, 676-695.

18. C. Gao, Q. Cheng, J.W. Wei, C. Sun, S.Y. Lu, C.H.T. Kwong, S.M.Y. Lee, Z.Y. Zhong*, and R.B. Wang*,Bioorthogonal supramolecular cell-conjugation for targeted hitchhiking drug delivery,Mater. Today2020, 40, 9-17.

19. C. Deng*, Q. Zhang, J.Q. Guo, X.F. Zhao, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Robust and smart polypeptide-based nanomedicines for targeted tumor therapy,Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev.2020, 160, 199-211.

20. H.L. Sun, and Z.Y. Zhong*, 100thAnniversary of Macromolecular Science Viewpoint: Biological Stimuli-Sensitive Polymer Prodrugs and Nanoparticles for Tumor-Specific Drug Delivery,ACS Macro Lett.2020, 9, 1292-1302.

21. Y.H. Wei, F.H. Meng*, G. Storm, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Transferrin-Binding Peptide Functionalized Polymersomes Mediate Targeted Doxorubicin Delivery to Colorectal Cancer In Vivo,J. Control. Release2020,319, 407-415.

22. Y.N. Zhong, F.H. Meng*, W. Zhang, B. Li, J. van Hest, andZ.Y. Zhong*,CD44-Targeted Vesicles Encapsulating Granzyme B as Artificial Killer Cells for Potent Inhibition of Human Multiple Myeloma in Mice,J. Control. Release2020, 320, 421-430.

23. X.L. Gu, Z.H. Zhu, Y.H. Wei, G.L. Wang, F.H. Meng, Z.Y. Zhong*, and C. Deng*, Nano-Agents Based on Poly(ethylene glycol)-b-Poly(L-thyroxine) Block Copolypeptide for Enhanced Dual-Modality Imaging and Targeted Tumor Radiotherapy,Small2019, 15, 1902577.

24. Y. Zou, Y.H. Wei, J. Bao, F.R. Yao, Z.K. Li, Y.P. Sun, F.H. Meng*, C.H. Hu, G. Storm, andZ.Y. Zhong*,Cyclic RGD-Functionalized and Disulfide-Crosslinked Iodine-Rich Polymersomes as a Robust and Smart Theranostic Agent for Targeted CT Imaging and Chemotherapy of Melanoma,Theranostics2019, 9, 8061-8072.

25. W.X. Gu, J.N. An, H. Meng, N. Yu, Y.N. Zhong, F.H. Meng*, Y. Xu*, J.L.M. Cornelissen, andZ.Y. Zhong*,CD44-Specific A6 Short Peptide Boosts Targetability and Anticancer Efficacy of Polymersomal Epirubicin to Orthotopic Human Multiple Myeloma,Adv. Mater.2019, 1904742.

26. H.Z. Qin, Y. Jiang, J. Zhang, C. Deng*, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Oncoprotein Inhibitor Rigosertib Loaded in ApoE-Targeted Smart Polymersomes Reveals a High Safety and Potency against Human Glioblastoma in Mice,Mol. Pharmaceutics2019, 16, 3711-3719.

27. M. Qiu, J. Ouyang, Y.H. Wei, J. Zhang, Q. Lan, C. Deng*, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Selective cell penetrating peptide-functionalized envelope-type chimaeric lipopepsomes boost systemic RNAi therapy for lung tumor,Adv. Healthcare Mater.2019, 1900500.

28. X.L. Gu, Y.H. Wei, Q.Y. Fan, H.L. Sun, R. Cheng, Z.Y. Zhong*, and C. Deng*, cRGD-decorated biodegradable polytyrosine nanoparticles for robust encapsulation and targeted delivery of doxorubicin to colorectal cancer in vivo,J. Control. Release2019, 301, 110-118.

29. W.X. Gu, J.N. An, H. Meng, N. Yu, Y.N. Zhong, F.H. Meng*, Y. Xu*, J.L.M. Cornelissen, and Z.Y. Zhong*, CD44-Specific A6 Short Peptide Boosts Targetability and Anticancer Efficacy of Polymersomal Epirubicin to Orthotopic Human Multiple Myeloma,Adv. Mater.2019, 1904742.

30. Y. Jiang, J. Zhang*, F.H. Meng, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Apolipoprotein E Peptide-Directed Chimeric Polymersomes Mediate an Ultrahigh-Efficiency Targeted Protein Therapy for Glioblastoma,ACS Nano2018, 12, 11070-11079.

31. Y. Jiang, W.J. Yang, J. Zhang*, F.H. Meng, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Protein Toxin Chaperoned by LRP-1 Targeted Virus-Mimicking Vesicles Induces High-Efficiency Glioblastoma Therapy In Vivo,Adv. Mater.2018, 30, 1800316.

32. Y.Q. Zhu, J. Feijen*, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Dual-Targeted Nanomedicines for Enhanced Tumor Treatment,Nano Today2018, 18, 65-85.

33. Y. Zou, M. Zheng, W.J. Yang, F.H. Meng*, K. Miyata, H.J. Kim, K. Kataoka*, and Z.Y. Zhong*, Virus-Mimicking Chimaeric Polymersome Boosts Targeted Cancer siRNA Therapy in Vivo,Adv. Mater.2017, 29, 1703285.