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学历及学术经历 :1988年南京大学本科毕业,1991年9月毕业于中国地质科学院应用矿物学专业,获得硕士学位。2004年获中科院上海硅酸盐研究所获博士学位,获2002年度中科院严东生奖。2004-2005年韩国国立釜庆大学博士后。1991年到2001年在国家非金属资源工程技术研究中心工作,副研究员,矿物材料研究室主任。其间先后主持或者参与完成了多项国家纵向科研项目,包括国家科技攻关项目、河南省重大科研项目、国土资源部重大项目和国土资源大调查项目;主持项目获地矿部科技进步三等奖一次。2005年10月任职www.优德88.cpm 材料与化学化工学部教授,博士生导师。2006年3月至今任职韩国国立釜庆大学访问教授。参与完成1项国家自然科学基金重大项目和2项面上项目;获中国发明专利授权1项,第一作者发表SCI论文100多篇。
研究领域 :固态微结构和发光性能,光存储记忆和光谱烧孔、激光选择激发和发射光谱技术、白光LED、PDP显示材料;无机材料的电性能研究,材料阻抗谱技术、高温离子电导;天然矿物材料鉴定、开发应用;无机化学合成和人工单晶体的生长;
1. Suyin Zhang, Yosuke Nakai, Taiju Tsuboi,Yanlin Huang*, Hyo Jin Seo, Luminescence and microstructural features of Eu-activated LiBaPO4phosphor.Chem. Mater . 23(5) (2011) 1216–1224
2. Fuping Du, Yosuke Nakai, Taiju Tsuboi,Yanlin Huang*, Hyo Jin Seo,Luminescence properties and site occupations of Eu3+ions doped in double phosphates Ca9R(PO4)7(R =Al, Lu),J. Mater. Chem., 21, ( 2011 ) 4669–4678 .
3. Juan Lü, Fuping Du, Rui Zhu,Yanlin Huang *, Hyo Jin Seo, Phase formations and tunable red luminescence of Na2CaMg1-xMnx(PO4)2(x=0.05-1.0),J. Mater. Chem.,2011, 21(41), 16398–16405.
4. Suyin Zhang, Yosuke Nakai, Taiju Tsuboi, Yanlin Huang*,Hyo Jin Seo,TheThermal Stabilities of Luminescenceand Microstructures of Eu2+-DopedKBaPO4andNaSrPO4with β-K2SO4TypeStructure,Inorg. Chem.,50 (7), (2011) 2897-2904
5. Yanlin Huang,Yosuke Nakai, Taiju Tsuboi, Hyo Jin Seo,The new red-emitting phosphor of oxyfluorideCa2RF4PO4:Eu3+(R=Gd, Y) for solid state lighting applications,Optics Express, 19(7), (2011) 6303–6311.
6. Fuping Du, Rui Zhu,Yanlin Huang *, Ye Tao, and Hyo Jin Seo,Red luminescence spectra and structures ofEu3+ions doped inCa9LiGd2/3(PO4)7crystals,Dalton Transactions,2011, 40, 11433-11440.
7. Xigang Wang , Yanlin Huan g*,Hyo Jin Seo,A new long-lasting phosphorescence phosphors of Zr4+and Eu3+co-doped SrMg2(PO4)2,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,158 (2011) 171–175
8. Yanlin Huang, Jiuhui Gan, Rui Zhu, Xigang Wang, andHyo Jin Seo,Luminescence investigation ofEu-activated Sr5(PO4)2SiO4,Journal of the Electrochemical Society,Volume 158, (2011) J334-J340
9. Yanlin Huang, Suyin Zhang, Pengjiang Wei, Hyo Jin Seo, the luminescence properties of Yb2+ions doped in NaBaPO4crystal,J. Electrochem. Soc.,158(5), (2011) H465-H470
10. Yanlin Huang, Hyo Jin Seo,The Spectroscopy and Micro-Structure of Eu3+Ions Doped Double Perovskite Ba3Y2WO9,J. Electrochem. Soc.,158(7), (2011) J215-J220
11. Yanlin Huang, Hyo Jin Seo,Luminescence of Eu2+ions in CsMgPO4phosphor,J. Electrochem. Soc,158(8) (2011) J260-J263
12. Xigang Wang, Fuping Du, Donglei Wei,Yanlin Huang*,Hyo Jin Seo, The new blue-emitting phosphor of Eu2+-doped Ca2Sr(PO4)2, J. Electrochem. Soc.,158 (8) (2011) J264-J268.
13. Yanlin Huang, Jiuhui Gan,Hyo Jin Seo,Luminescence investigation ofEu-activated Sr5(PO4)2SiO4phosphor by combustion synthesis,J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,94(4) (2011) 1143–1148
14. Jiayu Wang,Yanlin Huang*and Yadong Li, Hyo Jin Seo, The reduction and luminescence characteristics of Sm2+doped in Ba3BP3O12crystal,J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 94(5) (2011)1454–1459
15. Suyin Zhang,Yanlin Huang*, Yosuke Nakai, Taiju Tsuboi, Hyo Jin Seo, the luminescence characterization and thermal stability of Eu2+ions doped NaBaPO4phosphor,J. Am. Ceram. Soc.(2011), 94(9), (2011) 2987–2992.
16. Rui Zhu,Yanlin Huang* , Hyo Jin Seo , The luminescence properties of Eu 3+-dopedborotungstate Gd4B2WO12phosphors,J. Am. Ceram. Soc.(2011),94[10] 3380-3385 (2011).
17. Yadong Li, Jiayu Wang, Yanlin Huang *, Temperature-Dependent5D0-7F0Luminescence of Sm2+Ions Doped in Alkaline Earth Borophosphate Glass, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. , 93(3) (2010), 722 ~ 726.
18. Suyin Zhang, Yanlin Huang *, Weifang Kai, Liang Shi, Hyo Jin Seo,Tunable Red Luminescence of Mn2+-Doped NaCaPO4, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters , 13(2), (2010),J11 ~ J14
19. Haiyan Ding, Yanlin Huang *, Liang Shi, Hyo Jin Seo, Site-Selective Excitation and Luminescence Properties of Eu3+Ions Doped in SrZn2(PO4)2. J. Electrochem. Soc. , 157(3), (2010), J54 ~ J58.
20. Suyin Zhang,Yanlin Huang * , Hyo Jin Seo, The Spectroscopic Properties and Structural Occupation of Eu3+Sites in LiMgPO4, J. Electrochem. Soc. , 157 (5), (2010) J186~J190
21. Suyin Zhang,Yanlin Huang*, Hyo Jin Seo, “The spectroscopy and structural sites of Eu2+ions doped KCaPO4phosphor”, J. Electrochem. Soc. , 157 (7), (2010) J261~J266 .
22. Yanlin Huang, Hao Lin, Hyo Jin Seo, "Luminescence properties and local structures of Eu3+in EuBaB9O16crystal".J. Electrochem. Soc., 157(12), (2010) J405~J409 .
23. Yanlin Huang , Jiayu Wang, Hyo Jin Seo, " The irradiation induced valence changes and the luminescence properties of samarium ions in Ba2SiO4 ". J. Electrochem. Soc. , Volume 157, Issue 12, pp. J429-J434 (2010) .
24. Rui Zhu,YanlinHuang, Hyo Jin Seo, A red-emitting phosphor of Eu-based borotungstate Eu3BWO9 for white light emitting diodes, J. Electrochem. Soc., Volume 157, Issue 12, pp. H1116-H1120 (2010) .
25. Yonggang Cao, Ye Tao, Yanlin Huang* , Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Eu3+-Doped NaCaPO4Nano-Particles under VUV-UV Excitation, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 10,(2010), 2223~2227
26. Donglei Wei,Yanlin Huang*, Jin Soo Kim, Liang Shi, Hyo Jin Seo, Electrical Properties of Ca9ZnLi(PO4)7Ceramics Prepared by Reactive Pressureless Sintering, Journal of Electronic Materials , 39(4) (2010), 441~446 .
27. Yanlin Huang , Liang Shi, Eun Sik Kim, Hyo Jin Seo, Site-selective spectroscopy and crystallographic sites of Eu3+ions doped in Gd2BaZnO5, Journal of Applied Physics. 105 , (2009) 013512
28. Yanlin Huang , Liang Shi, Xuebin Qiao, Hyo Jin Seo, Radiation-Induced Effects and Valence Changes of Samarium Ions in Sr3Sm (P O4 )3, J. Electrochem. Soc., 156 , ( 2009 ), J230-J234
29. Yanlin Huang , Hyo Jin Seo , Multisite Structure of PbWO4:Eu3 + Crystals Investigated by Site-Selective Laser-Excitation Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. A, 113(2009) , 5317–5323