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姓名:周祎 职称:教授 部门:化学学院 联系方式: Tel: +86-(0)512-65882653 Email:yizhou@suda.edu.cn |
学历及学术经历: 1999.09 – 2003.07吉林大学化学系,化学专业,获理学学士。 2003.09 – 2008.07中国科学院化学研究所有机固体实验室,物理化学专业,获理学博士学位,导师李永舫研究员。 2008.08 –2009.11瑞典林雪平大学(Linköping University),合作教授Olle Inganäs。 2009.11 –2012.03德国锡根大学(University Siegen),合作教授Holger Schönherr。 2012.04-2018.06www.优德88.cpm 材料与化学化工学部,特聘副教授。 2018.07至今www.优德88.cpm 材料与化学化工学部,教授。 研究工作和成果: 长期从事有机、钙钛矿太阳能电池相关材料与器件的研究。主要利用表界面修饰等界面工程方法来改善有机、钙钛矿太阳能电池的电荷分离与传输,同时提高电池的效率及稳定性。迄今在该领域,已第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文50余篇,如:Adv.Funct. Mater.、J. Mater. Chem.A、Nanoscale等,文章总引用1700余次。作为共同作者与李永舫教授编写《聚合物太阳电池材料和器件》。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金以及省部级基金等项目六项。参与国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支持项目一项。 研究领域: 1.有机太阳能电池的制备与器件物理。 2.钙钛矿太阳能电池的制备与器件物理。 3.有机光电器件相关材料。 代表性论文: 2.Zhang, J.; Sun, Q.; Chen, Q.; Wang, Y.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.; Yuan, N.*; Ding, J.*; Li, Y. “High Efficiency Planar p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells Using Low-Cost Fluorene-Based Hole Transporting Material.”Advanced Functional Materials2019, 1900484. 3.Shen, P.; Zhang, X.; Lu, H.; Su, Z.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.; Li, X.; Yang, X.; Tu, Y.*; Li, C. Y. “Effect of Fullerene Volume Fraction on Two-Dimensional Crystal-Constructed Supramolecular Liquid Crystals.”Chemistry-an Asian Journal2019, 14, 125. 4.Zhang, K.; Zhao, Y.; Duan, R.; Huang, P.; Zhu, K.; Li, Z.; Dong, B.;Zhou, Y.*; Zhu, H.*; Song, B.*“Improve the crystallinity and morphology of perovskite films by suppressing the formation of intermediate phase of CH3NH3PbCl3.”Org. Electron.2019, 68, 96. 5.Li, H.; Zhu, K.; Zhang, K.; Huang, P.; Li, D.; Yuan, L.; Cao, T.; Sun, Z.; Li, Z.; Chen, Q.; Song, B.*; Zhu, H.*;Zhou, Y.*“3,4-Dihydroxybenzhydrazide as an additive to improve the morphology of perovskite films for efficient and stable perovskite solar cells.”Org. Electron.2019, 66, 47. 6.Yuan, L.; Wang, Z.; Duan, R.; Huang, P.; Zhang, K.; Chen, Q.; Allam, N. K.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.*; Li, Y. “Semi-transparent perovskite solar cells: unveiling the trade-off between transparency and efficiency.”J Mater Chem A2018, 6, 19696-19702. 7.Sun, Z.; Xiahou, Y.; Cao, T.; Zhang, K.; Wang, Z.; Huang, P.; Zhu, K.; Yuan, L.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.*; Xia, H.; Chen, N.* “Enhanced p-i-n type perovskite solar cells by doping AuAg@AuAg core-shell alloy nanocrystals into PEDOT:PSS layer.”Org. Electron.2018, 52, 309-316. 8.Li, Z.; Chen, Q.; Liu, Y.; Ding, L.; Zhang, K.; Zhu, K.; Yuan, L.; Dong, B.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.* “A Nonconjugated Zwitterionic Polymer: Cathode Interfacial Layer Comparable with PFN for Narrow-Bandgap Polymer Solar Cells.”Macromolecular Rapid Communications2018, 39. 9.Huang, P.; Yuan, L.; Zhang, K.; Chen, Q.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.*; Li, Y. “Room-Temperature and Aqueous Solution-Processed Two-Dimensional TiS2 as an Electron Transport Layer for Highly Efficient and Stable Planar n-i-p Perovskite Solar Cells.”ACS applied materials & interfaces2018, 10, 14796-14802. 10.Huang, P.; Yuan, L.; Li, Y.*;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.* “L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine and Dimethyl Sulfoxide Codoped PEDOT:PSS as a Hole Transfer Layer: towards High-Performance Planar p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells.”Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica2018, 34, 1264-1271. 11.Zhu, X.; Zhu, K.; Sun, B.; Fan, J.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.* “Comprehensive Study of the Effect of DPE Additive on Photovoltaic Performance of 5,6-Difluoro-benzo 1,2,5 thiadiazole Based Donor-acceptor Copolymers.”Acta Chimica Sinica2017, 75, 464-472. 12.Zhu, K.; Tang, D.; Zhang, K.; Wang, Z.; Ding, L.; Liu, Y.; Yuan, L.; Fan, J.; Song, B.*;Zhou, Y.*; Li, Y. “A two-dimension-conjugated small molecule for efficient ternary organic solar cells.”Org. Electron.2017, 48, 179-187. 13.Zhou, Y.; Yong, Z.-J.; Zhang, W.; Ma, J.-P.; Sadhanala, A.; Chen, Y.-M.; Liu, B.-M.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.; Sun, H.-T.* “Ultra-broadband optical amplification at telecommunication wavelengths achieved by bismuth-activated lead iodide perovskites.”Journal of Materials Chemistry C2017, 5, 2591-2596. 14.Zhao, Y.-h.; Zhang, K.-c.; Wang, Z.-w.; Huang, P.; Zhu, K.; Li, Z.-d.; Li, D.-h.; Yuan, L.-g.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.* “Comprehensive Study of Sol-Gel versus Hydrolysis-Condensation Methods To Prepare ZnO Films: Electron Transport Layers in Perovskite Solar Cells.”ACS applied materials & interfaces2017, 9, 26234-26241. 15.Zhang, K.; Yu, H.; Liu, X.; Dong, Q.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Y.; Chen, N.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.* “Fullerenes and derivatives as electron transport materials in perovskite solar cells.”Science China-Chemistry2017, 60, 144-150. 16.Zhang, J.; Xu, L. J.; Huang, P.;Zhou, Y.*; Zhu, Y. Y.; Yuan, N. Y.; Ding, J. N.; Zhang, Z. G.; Li, Y. F. “A simple and dopant-free hole-transporting material based on (2-ethylhexyl)-9H-carbazole for efficient planar perovskite solar cells.”Journal of Materials Chemistry C2017, 5, 12752-12757. 17.Yuan, L.; Li, J.; Wang, Z.-w.; Huang, P.; Zhang, K.-c.; Liu, Y.; Zhu, K.; Li, Z.; Cao, T.; Dong, B.;Zhou, Y.*; Zhou, M.; Song, B.; Li, Y. “Diblock Copolymer PF-b-PDMAEMA as Effective Cathode Interfacial Material in Polymer Solar Cells.”ACS applied materials & interfaces2017, 9, 42961-42968. 18.Xu, L.; Huang, P.; Zhang, J.; Jia, X.; Ma, Z.; Sun, Y.;Zhou, Y.*; Yuan, N.-Y.; Ding, J.-N. “N,N-Di-para-methylthiophenylamine-Substituted (2-Ethylhexyl)-9H-Carbazole: A Simple, Dopant-Free Hole-Transporting Material for Planar Perovskite Solar Cells.”The Journal of Physical Chemistry C2017, 121, 21821-21826. 19.Liu, Y.; Tang, D.; Zhang, K.; Huang, P.; Wang, Z.; Zhu, K.; Li, Z.; Yuan, L.; Fan, J.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B. “Tuning Surface Energy of Conjugated Polymers via Fluorine Substitution of Side Alkyl Chains: Influence on Phase Separation of Thin Films and Performance of Polymer Solar Cells.”ACS Omega2017, 2, 2489-2498. 20.Liu, X. D.; Li, Y. X.; Huang, P.;Zhou, Y.*; Jiang, Z. Q.; Song, B.; Li, Y. F.; Liao, L. S.; Zheng, Y. H. “Highly efficient and thickness-tolerable bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells based on P3HT donor and a low-bandgap non-fullerene acceptor.”J. Power Sources2017, 364, 426-431. 21.Liu, X.; Huang, P.; Dong, Q.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, K.; Yu, H.; Lei, M.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.; Li, Y. “Enhancement of the efficiency and stability of planar p-i-n perovskite solar cells via incorporation of an amine-modified fullerene derivative as a cathode buffer layer.”Science China-Chemistry2017, 60, 136-143. 22.Li, Z.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, K.; Wang, Z.; Huang, P.; Li, D.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B. “Chemical Modification of n-Type-Material Naphthalene Diimide on ITO for Efficient and Stable Inverted Polymer Solar Cells.”Langmuir2017,33, 8679−8685. 23.Huang, P.; Wang, Z.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, K.; Yuan, L.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.; Li, Y. “Water-Soluble 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides as the Hole-Transport Layer for Highly Efficient and Stable p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells.”ACS applied materials & interfaces2017, 9, 25323-25331. 24.Huang, P.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, K.; Yuan, L.; Li, D.; Hou, G.; Dong, B.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.; Li, Y. “Catechol derivatives as dopants in PEDOT:PSS to improve the performance of p-i-n perovskite solar cells.”J Mater Chem A2017, 5, 24275-24281. 25.Chen, Q.; Li, Z.; Dong, B.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B. Zwitter-Ionic Polymer Applied as Electron Transportation Layer for Improving the Performance of Polymer Solar Cells.Polymers2017, 9, 566. 26.Cao, T.; Chen, N.; Liu, G.; Wan, Y.; Perea, J. D.; Xia, Y.; Wang, Z.; Song, B.; Li, N.; Li, X.;Zhou, Y.*; Brabec, C. J.; Li, Y. “Towards a full understanding of regioisomer effects of indene-C-60 bisadduct acceptors in bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells.”J Mater Chem A2017, 5, 10206-10219. 27.Zhou, Y.; Yong, Z. J.; Zhang, K. C.; Liu, B. M.; Wang, Z. W.; Hou, J. S.; Fang, Y. Z.;Zhou, Y.*; Sun, H. T.; Song, B. “Ultrabroad Photoluminescence and Electroluminescence at New Wavelengths from Doped Organometal Halide Perovskites.”Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters2016, 7, 2735-2741. 28.Zhang, A.; Wang, Q.; Bovee, R. A. A.; Li, C.; Zhang, J.;Zhou, Y.*; Wei, Z.; Li, Y.; Janssen, R. A. J.; Wang, Z.; Li, W. “Perfluoroalkyl-substituted conjugated polymers as electron acceptors for all-polymer solar cells: the effect of diiodoperfluoroalkane additives.”J Mater Chem A2016, 4, 7736-7745. 29.Yu, H.; Liu, X. D.; Xia, Y. J.; Dong, Q. Q.; Zhang, K. C.; Wang, Z. W.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.; Li, Y. F. “Room-temperature mixed-solvent-vapor annealing for high performance perovskite solar cells.”J Mater Chem A2016, 4, 321-326. 30.Wang, Z.; Dong, Q.; Xia, Y.; Yu, H.; Zhang, K.; Liu, X.; Guo, X.;Zhou, Y.*; Zhang, M.; Song, B. “Copolymers based on thiazolothiazole-dithienosilole as hole-transporting materials for high efficient perovskite solar cells.”Org. Electron.2016, 33, 142-149. 31.Tang, M.; Sun, B.; Zhou, D.; Gu, Z.; Chen, K.; Guo, J.; Feng, L.;Zhou, Y.*“Broad-band plasmonic Cu-Au bimetallic nanoparticles for organic bulk heterojunction solar cells.”Org. Electron.2016, 38, 213-221. 32.Liu, Y. F.; Aghdassi, N.; Wang, Q.; Duhm, S.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B. “Solvent-resistant ITO work function tuning by an acridine derivative enables high performance inverted polymer solar cells.”Org. Electron.2016, 35, 6-11. 33.Liu, G. X.; Cao, T. T.; Xia, Y. J.; Song, B.;Zhou, Y.*; Chen, N.; Li, Y. F. “Dihydrobenzofuran-C-60 bisadducts as electron acceptors in polymer solar cells: Effect of alkyl substituents.”Synthetic Metals2016, 215, 176-183. 34.Li, Y.; Liu, X.; Wu, F.-P.;Zhou, Y.*; Jiang, Z.-Q.; Song, B.; Xia, Y.; Zhang, Z.-G.; Gao, F.; Inganas, O.; Li, Y.; Liao, L. S. “Non-fullerene Acceptor with Low Energy Loss and High External Quantum Efficiency: towards High Performance Polymer Solar Cells.”J Mater Chem A2016. 35.Li, C.; Zhang, A.; Wang, Z.; Liu, F.;Zhou, Y.*; Russell, T. P.; Li, Y.; Li, W. “All polymer solar cells with diketopyrrolopyrrole-polymers as electron donor and a naphthalenediimide-polymer as electron acceptor.”RSC Adv.2016, 6, 35677-35683. 36.Gu, Z.; Zhou, D.; Sun, B.; Tang, M.; Chen, K.; Feng, L.;Zhou, Y.*“Potassium-neutralized perylene derivative (K4PTC) and rGO-K4PTC composite as effective and inexpensive electron transport layers for polymer solar cells.”Org. Electron.2016, 37, 47-54. 37.Feng, G.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Wang, Z.;Zhou, Y.*; Li, Y.; Wei, Z.; Li, C.; Li, W. “All-small-molecule organic solar cells based on an electron donor incorporating binary electron-deficient units.”J Mater Chem A2016, 4, 6056-6063. 38.Dong, Q.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, K.; Yu, H.; Huang, P.; Liu, X.;Zhou, Y.*; Chen, N.; Song, B. “Easily accessible polymer additives for tuning the crystal-growth of perovskite thin-films for highly efficient solar cells.”Nanoscale2016, 8, 5552-5558. 39.Cao, T.; Wang, Z.; Xia, Y.; Song, B.;Zhou, Y.*; Chen, N.; Li, Y. “Facilitating Electron Transportation in Perovskite Solar Cells via Water-Soluble Fullerenol Interlayers.” ACS applied materials & interfaces 2016, 8, 18284-18291. 40.Liu, X. D.; Yu, H.; Yan, L.; Dong, Q.; Wan, Q.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.*; Li, Y. F.*, “Triple Cathode Buffer Layers Composed of PCBM, C60, and LiF for High-Performance Planar Perovskite Solar Cells”,ACS Appl Mater Interfaces2015,7(11), 6230-6237. 41.Liu, X. D.; Jiao, W.; Lei, M.*;Zhou, Y*.; Song, B.*; Li, Y. F.*, “Crown-ether functionalized fullerene as a solution-processable cathode buffer layer for high performance perovskite and polymer solar cells”,J. Mater. Chem. A2015,3, 9278-9284. 42.Yan, L.; Song, Y. X.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.*; Li, Y. F.,“Effect of PEI cathode interlayer on work function and interface resistance of ITO electrode in the inverted polymer solar cells”,Org. Electron.2015,17(0), 94-101. 43.Song, Y.; Yan, L.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.*; Li, Y., “Lowering the Work Function of ITO by Covalent Surface Grafting of Aziridine: Application in Inverted Polymer Solar Cells.”Adv. Mater. Interfaces2015,2(1), 1400397.(Frontispiece, highlighted by Materials views China) 44.Liu, X.; Lei, M.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B.; Li, Y. High performance planar p-i-n perovskite solar cells with crown-ether functionalized fullerene and LiF as double cathode buffer layers.Applied Physics Letters2015, 107, 063901. 45.Liang, Y.; Hao, Y.; Liu, X.; Feng, L.; Chen, M.; Tang, Q.; Chen, N.; Tang, M.; Sun, B.;Zhou, Y.*; Song, B. “Efficiency enhancement from [60]fulleropyrrolidine-based polymer solar cells through N-substitution manipulation.”Carbon2015, 92, 185-192. |