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姓名:屠一锋 职称:教授、博士生导师 部门:化学学院 联系方式:
Fax: 86-512-65101162
Email:tuyf@suda.edu.cn课题组网站 |
研究领域: 化学修饰电极,生物传感器和生物电化学,电化学及生物电化学发光,毛细管和芯片电泳。
代表性论文: 2、A reusable electrochemical immunosensor for carcinoembryonic antigen via molecular recognition of glycoprotein antibody by phenylboronic acid self-assembled on gold,Xiaoting Zhang,Yafeng Wu,Yifeng Tuand Songqing Liu, Analyst, 2008, 133, 485-492
3、Electrochemical immunoassay for α-fetoprotein through aphenylboronic acid monolayer on gold,Zhi Wang, Yifeng Tu, Songqing Liu, Talanta, 2008,77(2): 815-821
4、A Glucose Biosensor Based on Prussian Blue/Chitosan Hybrid Film, Xueying Wang, Haifang Gu, Fan Yin and Yifeng Tu,Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2009,24(5): 1527-1530
5、Disposable biosensor based on immobilization of glucose oxidase at gold nanoparticles electrodeposited on indium tin oxide electrode, Jianwen Wang, Liping Wang,Junwei Di, Yifeng Tu,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 135 (2008) 283–288
6、Electrodeposition of gold nanoparticles on indium/tin oxide electrode for fabrication of a disposable hydrogen peroxide biosensor, Jianwen Wang, Liping Wang,Junwei Di, Yifeng Tu,Talanta, 2009, 77: 1454-1459
7、Direct electrodeposition of gold nanoparticles on indium tin oxide surface and its application,Yuting Ma, Junwei Di, Xue Yan, Meilian Zhao, Zhejun Lu, Yifeng Tu, Biosensors & Bioelectronics,2009, 24(5):1480-1483
8、Study on a Pyruvate Oxidase Biosensor Based on β-Cyclodextrin Included Ferrocene as Electron- transfer Mediator, Long Yumei, Fu Zhiqiang Deng Kejun and Tu Yifeng, Anal. Lett., 2009, 42(2), 312-322
9、An Exercise Degree Monitoring Biosensor Based on Electrochemiluminescent Detection of Lactate in Sweat, Cai Xia, Yan Jilin,
10、Studies on the Electrochemiluminescent Behavior of Luminol on Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Glass, Guo Wenying, Li Jingjing,
11、A uric acid biosensor bease on Langmuir-Blodgett film as an enzyme-immobilizing matrix, Wang Xueying, Yin Fan, Tu Yifeng, Analytical Letters, 43(2010)1507-1515
12、Separation/Determination of Flavonoids and Ascorbic Acid in Rat Serum and Excrement by Capillary Electrophoresis with Electrochemical Detection, Qian Xiaomin, Zhang Qianli, Zhang Ying, Tu Yifeng, Analytical Science, 26(2010)557-560
13、Study on Chiral Separation of Sertraline with Microemulsion Electrokinetic Chromatography on a Polymer/β-cyclodextrin Assembling Molecular Film Modified Capillary, Cheng Hongying, He Baoku, Zhang Qianli, Tu Yifeng, Analytical Science, 26(2010)1087-1092
14、Study on a Luminol-based Electrochemiluminescent Sensor for Label-free DNA Sensing,
15、A Luminol-Based Micro-Flow-Injection Electrochemiluminescent System to Determine Reactive Oxygen Species, Chen Ming, Wei Xiuhua and Tu Yifeng, Talanta, 2011, 85, 1304-1309
16、Electrochemiluminescent detection of the hybridization of oligonucleotides using an electrode modified with nanocomposite of carbon nanotubes and gold nanoparticles, Haihong Chu, Jilin Yan, Yifeng Tu, Microchimica Acta, 2011, 175(3-4),209-216
17、Electrochemiluminescent sensing of dopamine using CdTe quantum dots capped with thioglycolic acid and supported with carbon nanotubes, Caixia Yu, Jilin Yan, Yifeng Tu, Microchimica Acta, 2011, 175(3-4),347-354
18、Development and application of an electrochemiluminescent flow-injection cell based on CdTe quantum dots modified electrode for high sensitive determination of dopamine,Zhao Jinjin, Chen Ming, Yu Caixia and Tu Yifeng,Analyst, 2011,136, 4070-4074
19、Electrophoretic separation of neurotransmitters on a polystyrene nano-sphere/polystyrene sulphonate coated poly(dimethylsiloxane) microchannel,Jinjin Zhao, Qianli Zhang, Huijuan Yang, and Yifeng Tu, Biomicrofluidics 2011,5, 034104
20、Study on the Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence of Reactive Oxygen Species on the Indium Tin Oxide Glass, Jinjin Zhao, Wenying Guo, Jingjing Li, Haihong Chu and Yifeng Tu, Electrochimca Acta,10.1016/j.electacta.2011.11.109