时间: 2019-12-06 作者: 浏览次数:5601



www.优德88.cpm 心血管病研究所




发表SCI论文63篇,并有文章发表在LancetJ of clinical InvestigationATVB。其中第一作者或通讯作者文章43篇,累计影响因子409.24。近两年,以第一作者和通讯作者在心血管领域著名杂志CirculationIF19.309)发表文章5篇,在Nat Rev CardiolIF14.299)上发表文章2篇。在美国工作期间,曾主持3项美国心血管学会和麦克当纳基金会项目,成果以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文于CirculationCell CycleInternational J of Cardiology等杂志。现主持国自然面上项目和重点培育项目,国家自然科学基金委员会国际合作项目,江苏省重点科技研发项目,江苏省双创团队临床转化项目和苏州市民生项目。此外,近两年曾获得江苏省双创人才、江苏省双创团队领军、江苏省特聘医学专家、江苏省六大人才高峰创新团队领军、苏州市高层次紧缺人才、中国病理生理学会会员等荣誉称号。


2013.12 -至今www.优德88.cpm 医学部心血管病研究所教授














1999 NIH RSA (Research Society on Alcoholism) Junior Investigator Award

2000 NIH RSA (Research Society on Alcoholism) Junior Investigator Award

2005 Chun Hui Award (From P.R China)

2005 American Heart Association (AHA) Merit Award for Young Investigator

2013 Fellow of American Heart Association (FAHA)

















Cardiovascular Genetics, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB), PLoS One, Cardiovascular Research, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, Apoptosis, The Journal of Pathology, Journal of Lipid Research, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, Cytokine, International Journal of Biological Sciences, Experimental Physiology, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Molecular Biology Report, Stem Cells, Oncotarget等二十余种国际顶尖杂志的审稿人。


1. Li Y, Han C, Wang J, Zhou J, Liang C, Ranganna K, Song YH. Exosomes Mediate the Beneficial Effects of Exercise. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1000:333-353, 2017

2. Song YH, Shao L, Zhang Y, Zhou J, Liu B, Pan X, Geng YJ, Yu XY, Li Y. Exosomes Derived from Embryonic Stem Cells as Potential Treatment for Cardiovascular Diseases. Adv Exp Med Biol. 998:187-206, 2017

3. Zhang Y, Pan X, Sun Y, Geng YJ, Yu XY, Li Y(corresponding author). The Molecular Mechanisms and Prevention Principles of Muscle Atrophy in Aging. Muscle Atrophy (pp. 347-368). Springer, Singapore. 2018


Peer-reviewed Publications (in chronological order)

1. Song YH, Connor E, Li Y, Zorovich B, Balducci P, Maclaren N. The role of tyrosinase in autoimmune vitiligo. Lancet 344:1049-1052, 1994

2. Song YH, Li Y, Maclaren NK. The nature of autoantigens targeted in autoimmune endocrine diseases. Immunol Today 17:232-238, 1996

3. Li Y, Song YH, Rais N, Connor E, Schatz D, Muir A, Maclaren N. Autoantibodies to the extracellular domain of the calcium sensing receptor in patients with acquired hypoparathyroidism. J Clin Invest 97:910-914, 1996

4. Li Y, King MA, Grimes J, Smith N, de Fiebre CM, Meyer EM. Alpha7 nicotinic receptor mediated protection against ethanol-induced cytotoxicity in PC12 cells. Brain Res 816:225-228, 1999

5. Li Y, Papke RL, He YJ, Millard WJ, Meyer EM. Characterization of the neuroprotective and toxic effects of alpha7 nicotinic receptor activation in PC12 cells. Brain Res 830:218-225, 1999

6. Li Y, King MA, Meyer EM. Alpha7 nicotinic receptor-mediated protection against ethanol-induced oxidative stress and cytotoxicity in PC12 cells. Brain Res 861:165-167, 2000

7. Li Y (corresponding author), Walker DW, King MA. Peroxide mediates ethanol-induced cytotoxicity in PC12 cells. Free Radic Biol Med 30:389-392, 2001

8. Li Y (corresponding author), Meyer EM, Walker DW, Millard WJ, He YJ, King MA. Alpha7 nicotinic receptor activation inhibits ethanol-induced mitochondrial dysfunction, cytochrome c release and neurotoxicity in primary rat hippocampal neuronal cultures. J Neurochem 81:853-858, 2002.

9. Li Y, Higashi Y, Itabe H, Song YH, Du J, Delafontaine P. Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor activation inhibits oxidized LDL-induced cytochrome c release and apoptosis via the phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase/Akt signaling pathway. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 23:2178-2184, 2003

10. Delfontaine P, Song YH, Li Y. Expression, regulation, and function of IGF-1, IGF-1R, and IGF-1 binding proteins in blood vessels. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 24:435-444, 2004

11. Song YH, Li Y, Du J, Mitch WE, Rosenthal N, Delfontaine P:Muscle-specific expression of IGF-1 blocks angiotensin II-induced skeletal muscle wasting. J Clin Invest 115:451-458, 2005

12. Higashi Y, Peng T, Du J, Sukhanov S, Li Y, Itabe H, Parthasarathy S, Delfontaine P. A redox-sensitive pathway mediates oxidized LDL-induced downregulation of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor. J Lipid Res 46:1266-1277, 2005

13. Song YH, Godard M, Li Y, Richmond SR, Rosenthal N, Delafontaine P. Insulin-like growth factor-1-mediated skeletal muscle hypertrophy is characterized by increased mTOR-p70S6K signaling without increased Akt phosphorylation. J Investig Med 53:135-142, 2005

14. Li Y, Song YH, Mohler J and Delafontaine P. Angiotensin II induces apoptosis of human vascular smooth muscle via an extrinsic pathway involving inhibition of Akt phosphorylation and increased FasL expression. Am J of Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 290 (5):H 2116-2123. 2006

15. Li Y (corresponding author), Yu X, Lin S, Li X, Zhang S and Song YH. Insulin-like growth factor 1 enhances the migratory capacity of mesenchymal stem cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 356 (3), 780 – 784. 2007.

16. Li Y, Sagar M, Wassler, M, Shelet H and Geng YJ. Apolipoprotein-J Prevention of Cardiac Myobalst Apoptosis Induced by Ethanol. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 357 (1), 157 – 161. 2007

17. Sukhanov S, Higashi Y, Li Y, Song YH, Titterington J, Delafontaine P. IGF-1 Reduces Inflammatory Responses, Suppresses, Oxidative Stress and Decreases Atherosclerosis Progression in Apoe-Deficient Mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 27 (12): 2684 - 2690.2007

18. Yu X, Song YH, Geng YJ, Lin Q, Shan Z, Lin S, Li Y (corresponding author). Glucose induces apoptosis of cardiomyocytes via microRNA-1 and IGF-1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 376 (3), 548-552, 2008

19. Li Y (corresponding author), Song YH, Li F, Yang T, Lu YW, Geng YJ. MicroRNA-221 regulates high glucose-induced endothelial dysfunction. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 381(1): 81-83, 2009

20. Shan ZX, Lin QX, Fu YH, Deng CY, Li Y, Lin SG, Yu XY. Upregulated expression of miR-1/miR-206 in a rat model of myocardial infarction. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 381(4): 597-601, 2009

21. Li Y (corresponding author), Wu H, Khardori R, Song YH, Lu Y W, Geng YJ. Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor activation prevents high glucose – induced mitochondrial dysfunction, cytochrom c release and apoptosis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 384 (2): 259-264, 2009

22. Yu XY, Geng YJ, Li XH, Lin QX, Lin SG, Song YH, Li Y (corresponding author). The effects of mesenchymal stem cells on c-kit up-regulation and cell-cycle re-entry of neonatal cardiomyocytes are mediated by activation of insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor. Mol Cell Biochem, 332 (1-2): 25-32, 2009

23. Shan ZX, Lin QX, Deng CY, Zhu JN, Li Y, Lin SG, Yu XY. miR-1/miR-206 regulate Hsp60 expression contributing to glucose-mediated apoptosis in cardiomyocytes. FEBS Lett, 584 (16): 2592-3600, 2010

24. Yu XY, Geng YJ, Liang JL, Lin QX, Lin SG, Zhang S, Li Y (corresponding author). High levels of glucose induce apoptosis in cardiomyocyte via epigenetic regulation of the insulin-like growth factor receptor. Exp Cell Res., 316 (17):2903-2909, 2010

25. Li Y (corresponding author), Qu J, Shelat H, Gao S, Wassler M, Geng YJ. Clusterin induces CXCR4 expression and migration of cardiac progenitor cells. Exp Cell Res., 316 (20):3435-3442, 2010

26. Li Y (corresponding author), Geng YJ. A potential role for insulin-like growth factor signaling in induction of pluripotent stem cell formation. Growth Hormone & IGF Research. 20 (6): 391-398, 2010

27. Yu XY, Chen HM, Liang JL, Lin QX, Liu XY, Shan ZX, Yang M, Li Y (corresponding author), Lin SG. Hyperglycemic myocardial damage is mediated by proinflammatory cytokine: macrophage migration inhibitory factor. PLoS ONE, Jan25, 6(1):e16239, PMID:21283592, 2011

28. Hao CN, Geng YJ, Li F, Yang T, Su DF, Duan JL, Li Y (corresponding author). Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor activation prevents hydrogen peroxide - induced oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis. Apoptosis, 16 (11):1118-1127, 2011

29. Li XH, Fu YH, Lin QX, Liu ZY, Shan ZX, Deng CY, Zhu JN, Yang M, Lin SG, Li Y, Yu XY. Induced bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells improve cardiac performance of infracted rat hearts. Mol Biol Rep. 39 (2): 1333-1342, 2012

30. Yu XY, Geng YJ, Liang JL, Zhang S, Lei HP, Zhong SL, Lin QX, Shan ZX. Lin SG, Li Y (corresponding author). High levels of glucose induce metabolic memory in cardiomyocyte via epigenetic histone H3 lysine 9 methylation. Mol Biol Rep. 39 (9): 8891-8898, 2012

31. Wang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Peng G, Liu T, Li Y, Xiang D, Wassler MJ, Shelat HS, Geng Y. Rotating microgravity-bioreactor cultivation enhances the hepatic differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells on biodegradable polymer scaffolds. Tissue Eng Part A. 18 (21-22): 2376-2385, 2012

32. Li Y (corresponding author), Shelat H, Geng YJ. IGF-1 prevents oxidative stress induced-apoptosis in induced pluripotent stem cells which is mediated by microRNA-1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 426 (4): 615-619, 2012

33. Li Y (corresponding author), Yang CM, Xi Y, Wu G, Shelat H, Gao S, Cheng J, Geng YJ. MicroRNA-1/133 targeted dysfunction of potassium channels KCNE1 and KCNQ1 in human cardiac progenitor cells with simulated hyperglycemia. International J of Cardiology, 167 (3): 1076-1078, 2013

34. Yu XY, Geng YJ, lei HP, Lin QX, Yuan J, Li Y (corresponding author). IGF-1 prevents high glucose-induced cell cycle arrest in cardiomyocytes via β-catenin pathway. International J of Cardiology, 168 (3): 2869-2870, 2013

35. Li Y (corresponding author), Shen Z, Shelat H, Geng YJ. Reprogramming somatic cells to pluripotency: A fresh look at Yamanaka's model. Cell Cycle, 12 (23): 3594-3598, 2013

36. Zhang S, Zhang Y, Chen L, Liu T, Li Y, Wang Y, Geng YJ.Efficient large-scale generation of functional hepatocytes from mouse embryonic stem cells grown in a rotating bioreactor with exogenous growth factors and hormones. Stem Cell Res Ther. 4(6):145, 2013

37. Yang C, Madonna R, Li Y, Zhang Q, Shen WF, McNamara K, Yang YJ, Geng YJ. Simvastatin-enhanced expression of promyogenic nuclear factors and cardiomyogenesis of murine embryonic stem cells.Vascul Pharmacol, 60 (1):8-16,2014

38. Huang W, Xiao DZ, Wang Y, Shan ZX, Liu XY, Lin QX, Yang M, Zhuang J, Li Y, Yu XY. Fn14 promotes differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells into heart valvular interstitial cells by phenotypic characterization. J Cell Physiol, 229 (5):580-587,2014

39. Gao S, Wassler M, Zhang L, Li Y, Wang J, Zhang Y, Shelat H, Williams J, Geng YJ. MicroRNA-133a regulates insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor expression and vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation in murine atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis. 232(1):171-179, 2014

40. Li Y (corresponding author), Shelat H, Wu H, Zhu M, Xu J, Geng YJ. Low circulating level of IGF-1 is a distinct indicator for the development of cardiovascular disease caused by combined hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia. International J of Cardiology, 171 (2): 272-273, 2014

41. Li Y (corresponding author), and Yu XY. Letter Regarding Article “Ten-Eleven Translocation-2 (TET2) Is a Master Regulator of Smooth Muscle Cell Plasticity”. Circulation, 130 (8):e71.doi:10.1161, 2014

42. Li Y (corresponding author), and Shen Z. Letter Regarding Article “Growth properties of cardiac stem cells are a novel biomarker of patients' outcome after coronary bypass surgery”. Circulation, 130 (13):e117.doi.10.1161, 2014

43. Li Y (corresponding author), Shen Z, Yu XY. Transport of microRNAs via exosomes. Nat Rev Cardiol. Apr;12(4):198. doi: 10.1038, 2015

44. Li Y (corresponding author), and Hong K. Letter Regarding Article “CrossTalk of Combined Gene and Cell Therapy in Ischemic Heart Disease: Role of Exosomal MicroRNA Transfer”. Circulation, 131(12):e384. doi: 10.1161, 2015

45. Li Y (corresponding author), and Hao CN. Letter Regarding Article “Transdifferentiation of Human Fibroblast to Endothelial Cells: Role of Innate Immunity”. Circulation, 132(15):e196 doi: 10.1161, 2015

46. Zhang Z, Yang J, Yan W, Li Y, Shen Z, Asahara, T. Pretreatment of Cardiac Stem Cells With Exosomes Derived From Mesenchymal Stem Cells Enhances Myocardial Repair. J Am Heart Assoc. 2016 Jan 25;5(1). pii: e002856. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.115.002856

47. Zhou J, Liu B, Liang C, Li Y (corresponding author), Song YH. Cytokine Signaling in Skeletal Muscle Wasting. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism.doi:10.1016/j.tem.2016.03.002

48. Li Y (corresponding author), Song YH, Yu XY.Letter Regarding Article, MiR-125b Is Critical for Fibroblast-to-Myofibroblast Transition and Cardiac Fibrosis.Circulation, 133(24):e713doi: 10.1161, 2016

49. Li Y (corresponding author), Song YH, Liu B, Yu XY. The potential application and challenge of powerful CRISPR/Cas9 system in cardiovascular research.InternationalJ of Cardiology, 227:191-193. 2017

50. Wang X, Zhi Q, Liu S, Xue SL, Shen C, Li Y, Wu C, Tang Z, Chen W, Song JL, Bao M, Song YH, Zhou J.Identification of specific biomarkers for gastric adenocarcinoma by ITRAQ proteomic approach.Sci Rep, 6:38871, 2016

51.Jiang XY, Feng YL, Ye LT, Li XH, Feng J, Zhang MZ, Shelat HS, Wassler M, Li Y, Geng YJ, Yu XY.Inhibition of Gata4 and Tbx5 by Nicotine-Mediated DNA Methylation in Myocardial Differentiation.Stem Cell Reports. 8(2):290-304, 2017

52.Shen C, Zhou J, Wang X, Yu XY, Liang C, Liu B, Pan X, Zhao Q, Song JL, Wang J, Bao M, Chaofan Wu C, Li Y (corresponding author), Song YH. Angiotensin-II-induced Muscle Wasting is Mediated by 25-Hydroxycholesterol via GSK3β Signaling Pathway. Ebiomedicine (Lancet新子刊)16:238-250, 2017

53. Shao L, Zhang Y, Lan B, Wang J, Zhang Z, Zhang L, Xiao P, Meng Q, Geng YJ, Yu XY, Li Y (corresponding author). MiRNA-sequence Indicates that Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Exosomes have Similar Mechanism to Enhance Cardiac Repair. Biomed Research International. 2017:4150705, 2017

54. Yangxin Li (corresponding author), Jin Zhou, Yao-Hua Song and Xi-Yong Yu. Dominant and recessive imprinting of exosomes from parent cells. Nature Reviews Cardiology. 14(8): 491, 2017

55. Shen C, Song YH, Xie Y, Wang X, Wang Y, Wang C, Liu S, Xue SL, Li Y, Liu B, Tang Z, Chen W, Song J, Amin HM, Zhou J. Downregulation of HADH promotes gastric cancer progression via Akt signaling pathway. Oncotarget., 8(44):76279-76289. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.19348. 2017

56. Yangxin Li (corresponding author), Bin Liu, Chun Liang. Letter by Li et al Regarding Article, “Cardiac Fibroblast-Specific Activating Transcription Factor 3 Protects Against Heart Failure by Suppressing MAP2K3-p38 Signaling”. Circulation, 136:2092-2093. doi:https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.0297162017

57.兰蓓蓓,王娟娟,邵联波,张瑜,韩超珊,朱宝,张鲁鲁,王燕丽,张雨晴,李杨欣.间充质干细胞来源的外泌体通过TGF-β1/Smad2/3信号通路抑制高糖诱导的成纤维细胞转分化.中国细胞生物学学报, 39(7):916-925, 2017

58.张鲁鲁,朱宝,张瑜,王燕丽,张雨晴,谢文萍,严兵,韩超珊,邵联波,李杨欣.胰岛素样生长因子-1可以抑制氧化应激诱导的成纤维细胞的炎症反应.中国血液流变学杂志. 28(1): 1-5,2018

59. Huang J, You H, Su C, Li Y, Chen S, Zheng C. Herpes simplex virus 1 tegument protein VP22 abrogates cGAS/STING-mediated antiviral innate immunity. Journal of Virology, JVI-00841, 2018

60. Bao M, Liu S, Yu XY, Wu C, Chen Q, Ding H, Shen C, Wang B, Wang S, Song YH, Li Y (corresponding author). Runx1 promotes satellite cell proliferation during ischemia-Induced muscle regeneration. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 503(4), 2993-2997. 2018

61. Zhu B, Zhang L, Liang C, Liu B, Pan X, Wang Y, Zhang YQ, Zhang Y, Xie W, Yan B, Liu F, Yip H, Yu XY, Li Y (corresponding author) . Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes Prevent Aging-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction through Novel Exosome/LncRNA MALAT1/NF-κB/TNF-α Signaling Pathway. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity , In Press 2018

62. Chaoshan Han, Jin Zhou, Bin Liu, Chun Liang, Xiangbin Pan, Yu Zhang,Yuqing Zhang, Yanli Wang, Lianbo Shao, Bao Zhu, Juanjuan Wang, Qian Yin, Xi-Yong Yu, Yangxin Li (corresponding author). Delivery of miR-675 by stem cell-derived exosomes encapsulated in silk fibroin hydrogel prevents aging-induced vascular dysfunction in mouse hindlimb. Materials Science & Engineering C, In Press 2019








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